| 담당업무
Customer Support:
• Respond to user inquiries and provide support via email and chat.
• Troubleshoot basic issues and escalate more complex matters to senior staff.
Marketing Assistance:
• Support social media marketing by drafting posts, monitoring engagement, and responding to comments.
• Assist with promotional initiatives.
Research & Analysis:
• Conduct research on market trends, competitors, and player feedback.
• Provide insights and suggestions to improve the platform and its features.
Administrative Tasks:
• Help organize and maintain project documentation, schedules, and reports.
• Assist senior team members with various day-to-day operations.
| 지원자격
| 우대사항
| 전형 절차
영어 역량 검사 ▶ Culture Fit(전화인터뷰)&직무 적합성 검사 ▶ 실무 면접 ▶ 평판 조회 ▶ 처우 협의 ▶ 최종 합격
| 연봉 및 근무형태
| 기타사항
| 담당업무
Customer Support:
• Respond to user inquiries and provide support via email and chat.
• Troubleshoot basic issues and escalate more complex matters to senior staff.
Marketing Assistance:
• Support social media marketing by drafting posts, monitoring engagement, and responding to comments.
• Assist with promotional initiatives.
Research & Analysis:
• Conduct research on market trends, competitors, and player feedback.
• Provide insights and suggestions to improve the platform and its features.
Administrative Tasks:
• Help organize and maintain project documentation, schedules, and reports.
• Assist senior team members with various day-to-day operations.
| 지원자격
| 우대사항
| 전형 절차
영어 역량 검사 ▶ Culture Fit(전화인터뷰)&직무 적합성 검사 ▶ 실무 면접 ▶ 평판 조회 ▶ 처우 협의 ▶ 최종 합격
| 연봉 및 근무형태
| 기타사항