[ATI]AI Engineer - LLM Application
Job groupSoftware Engineer
Experience LevelExperienced 3 years or more
Job TypesFull-time
Locations대한민국 서울특별시 강남구 언주로 609, PAX TOWER

이런 분과 함께하고 싶습니다!

| 담당업무

  • Architect and develop state-of-the-art LLM-based AI Applications
  • Design and refine intelligent conversation flows and implement advanced prompt engineering techniques
  • Grounding diverse knowledge sources to LLMs, including external APIs and search results
  • Establish automated evaluation processes to continuously improve service quality
  • Code and manage complex text processing in Python, including dynamic prompt generation and data preprocessing
  • Optimize LLM performance and cost
  • Keep abreast of the latest in LLM advancements and integrate these insights into ongoing projects.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate LLM solutions into existing systems

| 지원자격

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science/Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, or related field (or equivalent experience)
  • Strong command of English for crafting effective prompts and communication
  • Proficient in Python with a track record in text processing, API integration, API service, and automation
  • In-depth knowledge of various LLMs, their architectures, applications, and cloud-based deployment
  • Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure) for deploying and managing applications and models
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

| 우대사항

  • Experience with prompt engineering and fine-tuning language models
  • Expertise in LLM application and dialogue management
  • Demonstrated ability to implement and evaluate cutting-edge ML/AI algorithms
  • Experience in document processing, text mining, unstructured data handling, and information retrieval
  • Knowledge of data privacy, security considerations, and software development best practices
  • Expertise in knowledge base construction and management
  • Familiarity with semantic search and vector databases
  • Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure) for deploying and managing applications.
  • Knowledge of software development best practices, including version control and CI/CD pipelines
  • Published author in top-tier ML/AI journals or conferences

합류 여정과 근무형태는 다음과 같습니다!

| 전형 절차

Culture Fit(전화인터뷰)&직무 적합성 검사 실무 면접평판 조회처우 협의최종 합격

| 연봉 및 근무형태

  • 연봉 : 개별 협의
  • 근무형태 : 정규직 (시용 3개월 종료 후, 정규직 전환 가능 대상 / 정규직 급여와 동일)
  • 근무시간 : 선택적 근무제 (출근시간 : 오전 9시 ~ 11시)

지원하기 전 확인해주세요!

| 기타사항

  • 면접에 참석하시는 분께는 소정의 면접비를 지급해 드립니다.
  • 직군에 따라 필요 시, 전형 절차는 변경 될 수 있습니다. (직무 적합성 : 코드테스트, 실무과제 등) 
  • NSUSLAB의 최종 합격은 회사와 후보자 상호 간 처우협의가 최종 완료된 상태를 의미합니다.
  • 허위 사실이 발견 될 경우, 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
  • 해당 공고는 상시 채용으로, 채용 완료 시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
[ATI]AI Engineer - LLM Application

이런 분과 함께하고 싶습니다!

| 담당업무

  • Architect and develop state-of-the-art LLM-based AI Applications
  • Design and refine intelligent conversation flows and implement advanced prompt engineering techniques
  • Grounding diverse knowledge sources to LLMs, including external APIs and search results
  • Establish automated evaluation processes to continuously improve service quality
  • Code and manage complex text processing in Python, including dynamic prompt generation and data preprocessing
  • Optimize LLM performance and cost
  • Keep abreast of the latest in LLM advancements and integrate these insights into ongoing projects.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate LLM solutions into existing systems

| 지원자격

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science/Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, or related field (or equivalent experience)
  • Strong command of English for crafting effective prompts and communication
  • Proficient in Python with a track record in text processing, API integration, API service, and automation
  • In-depth knowledge of various LLMs, their architectures, applications, and cloud-based deployment
  • Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure) for deploying and managing applications and models
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

| 우대사항

  • Experience with prompt engineering and fine-tuning language models
  • Expertise in LLM application and dialogue management
  • Demonstrated ability to implement and evaluate cutting-edge ML/AI algorithms
  • Experience in document processing, text mining, unstructured data handling, and information retrieval
  • Knowledge of data privacy, security considerations, and software development best practices
  • Expertise in knowledge base construction and management
  • Familiarity with semantic search and vector databases
  • Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure) for deploying and managing applications.
  • Knowledge of software development best practices, including version control and CI/CD pipelines
  • Published author in top-tier ML/AI journals or conferences

합류 여정과 근무형태는 다음과 같습니다!

| 전형 절차

Culture Fit(전화인터뷰)&직무 적합성 검사 실무 면접평판 조회처우 협의최종 합격

| 연봉 및 근무형태

  • 연봉 : 개별 협의
  • 근무형태 : 정규직 (시용 3개월 종료 후, 정규직 전환 가능 대상 / 정규직 급여와 동일)
  • 근무시간 : 선택적 근무제 (출근시간 : 오전 9시 ~ 11시)

지원하기 전 확인해주세요!

| 기타사항

  • 면접에 참석하시는 분께는 소정의 면접비를 지급해 드립니다.
  • 직군에 따라 필요 시, 전형 절차는 변경 될 수 있습니다. (직무 적합성 : 코드테스트, 실무과제 등) 
  • NSUSLAB의 최종 합격은 회사와 후보자 상호 간 처우협의가 최종 완료된 상태를 의미합니다.
  • 허위 사실이 발견 될 경우, 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
  • 해당 공고는 상시 채용으로, 채용 완료 시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.